Drug Crime Defense Attorney | Milwaukee, WI

From small-scale possession charges to serious felony crime charges, Fenton Law Office is your best bet for a favorable outcome if you’ve been charged with a drug crime. Drug crimes are prosecuted aggressively in the state of Wisconsin, so you need an attorney who can provide a strong defense.

No matter the circumstances, it’s critical to retain an expert criminal defense attorney if you’ve been charged with a drug crime. Penalties for drug crimes can include jail time, prison time, steep fines, loss of rights, and black marks that follow you around for the rest of your life. You deserve the chance to fight for a fair and just outcome in your case — Attorney Jay Fenton can help you do that.

Drug Crimes

Types of Drug Crimes

At Fenton Law Office, we support local individuals by aggressively defending their rights when faced with drug charges. Types of cases we handle include: 

  • Drug possession. 
  • Prescription fraud. 
  • Paraphernalia possession. 
  • Keeping or maintaining a drug trafficking place. 
  • Manufacture, delivery, and distribution charges. 
  • Possession with intent charges. 
  • …and more.

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    Drug Crimes attorney jayfentonlaw

    Consequences of a Drug Crime Conviction 

    If you’re convicted of a felony drug crime, penalties can range from long prison sentences, thousands of dollars in fines, parole, and loss of rights and privileges such as voting, federal student aid, employment opportunities, housing, child custody, and more. Drug crimes are taken very seriously by prosecutors in the state of Wisconsin. You should take your defense just as seriously by contacting Fenton Law Office today and retaining Attorney Jay Fenton to defend your case. Contact us today.

    Fenton Law Office: Your Drug Crime Defense Experts

    At Fenton Law Office, we believe everyone deserves the opportunity for a just and fair outcome in court. Whether you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor or felony drug crime, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help you understand what will come next and how you need to navigate the complex justice system. Your criminal defense attorney will examine all aspects of your case, including all evidence the state brings against you, and ensure no stone is left unturned. Police officers make mistakes, and uncovering those mistakes can mean the difference between decades of jail time and your freedom.

    Attorney Jay Fenton of Fenton Law Office has experience helping individuals just like you who have been charged with drug crimes. Wherever you are in the process, contact Fenton Law Office today for help and support. We look forward to fighting for you.